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Net Neutrality? Or Back Door Communist Price Controls?

Last Updated: Saturday, November 28, 2020 2:03 PM
More Communist Free Stuff
Just Saying...

What does 3G, 4G, iPhone's FaceTime, Unlimited Voice and Unlimited Text, all have in common?

All were created without Net Neutrality.

Innovation vs Legislation
When you have free markets, you will get the future 5G and 6G (just like you got 4G) because those willing to PAY MORE will fund more research into Wireless Access Speeds that can be very practical for rural areas. Hence, landlines, fiber, and cable will have more competition via 5G and 6G wireless access.

See how that works? Free Market and Competition mean more rural access and faster speed via Innovation, not through Legislation.
Innovation + Tax Incentive Motivation
If you want Rural Area Access, why not fund Wireless Innovation via Tax Incentives?

As an example. One can look at Africa as they too also have problems with getting Internet Access to rural areas. They have been pioneering community Wireless Access via Wifi Antennas and Wifi Dishes. They use Directional Wifi Antennas and Omni-Direction Antennas to beam access to rural areas.

Use More, Pay More
Most Cities have only one or two electrical, gas and water utilities. But those same utlities require that those who use more electricity, pay more.

Hence, why should that not be same for the Internet Bandwidth? Especially for those downloading movies and newer stuff like 4K movies?

GOOGLE: The World of the Wall. The World of the Square (Piazzs, Marketplace)
Aside, Google does connect people globally; However, Google is very forgetful and hypocritical as its search engine is also the World of the Wall (e.g. fortress, isolationist, defensiveness) as Google Search has many algorithms to weed out bad malware, scammers and those who rig the search the results. If you every speak to a Googler, let them know what their "world" really is.

REFERENCE: LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership's Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election | Breitbart
Additional Resources:
What Is Net Neutrality? - YouTube

PragerU: What Is Net Neutrality? | Daily Wire
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